Ants Ants and More Ants
Today was a relativly laid back monday, I started out today on the green-bins. I dumped about 2300 of these bins today. The only problem I was running into today, seemed to be the ants. I must have blown 100 ants off my arms throughout the day, None of them bit me atleast, although one day I had one bite me under my glove. I placed a lot of Rejection stickers on peoples green-bins today. I checked almost every one before dumping it today (which i'm suppose to do but seldom do). Its amazing what people try to put in these compost only bins. Some of the things that were in the bins I stickerd today include; rocks, a hard bag of cement, carpet, ceiling tile, dirt, milk cartons, broken mirror, styrofoam, a paint can and more. This afternoon I did garbage for about an hour, I had an extra helper with me for the garbage, who has only been here for a week now. At about the third stop he swung a bag of garbage and hit me in the head with a peice of brass tubing, fortunatly I was not hurt. Now I know why the other guy dropped him off to work with me. Im suppose to be with the same driver again tomorrow, he's a great driver, always stops perfectly so the back of the truck is close to the garbage. I went tanning on the weekend at a tanning bed for my first time ever, in attempt to even out my tan and get rid of my glowing white hands from wearing gloves all day. My girlfriend talked me into it, and I ended up enjoying it, almost fell asleep in there, I only went for 12 minutes but my legs sure are burnt today. I had to take a cold shower when I got home. My pet peeve for today is ants, there everywhere. Some people put bleach in there bins or spray there garbage bags to keep insects and birds away, but remember if you do this we do not have to take your garbage and can leave you a sticker! Don't forget to stop by and visit my current tennant! One Old Green Bus.